Parent Organizations
At the Academy, 家长的参与是非常受欢迎的-这是我们学校生活的基础. 国外正规买球app官方版下载家长协会(AAPA)和我们的多元文化和多样性家长委员会在培养校园社区意识方面发挥着关键作用. 家长(甚至祖父母)可以通过很多方式加强他们与学校的联系——无论是在图书馆还是书店帮忙, participating in family events, or attending performances.
Albuquerque Academy Parents’ Association
- Increase parent and family involvement in Albuquerque Academy life
- Assist in welcoming new families to the Academy community
- Foster relationships among parents, students, 教师, and 工作人员
- Support and assist the student governance structure
- Serve as an advocate for the Academy mission
A few quick facts:
- All parents and guardians are members.
- 通用董事会有44个职位,由一个执行委员会指导.
- 每个董事会成员监督一个委员会组织开展广泛的事件和活动.
- In a single school year, members volunteer close to 50,000 hours working in events/activities such as:
- School bookstores
- 图书馆
- Concessions
- New Family Orientations
- Admission Open House
- GrandDays
- Faculty Appreciation
- Visual Arts Receptions
- Student Photos
Multicultural Parent Councils
As part of its commitment to creating a caring, inclusive, and just community, Albuquerque Academy is home to five Multicultural Parent Councils. The African American; Allies, 朋友, and Parents of LGBTQIA+ Academy; Asian American; Hispanic; and Native American Councils are affinity spaces for members with similar backgrounds, identities, and/or objectives to connect, encourage, 导师, advocate for, and support students and families.
Councils also offer ways to stay informed about, participate in, and be connected to the life of the school. The councils are voluntary organizations, 开放给来自这些多元文化背景的学生的家长和家长.
An integral part of the Academy community, 理事会的作用是支持多文化家庭,并通过许多活动参与教育进程, including creating library displays, recommending guest speakers, hosting cultural events for families and students, and 促进 greater community understanding and respect for diversity.
家长理事会领导人致力于让理事会成员了解情况,并为不确定去哪里获取各种信息的家庭提供资源. 网络和结交新朋友是加入委员会的额外好处.
所有委员会定期单独开会,全年还有几次联合活动. At council meetings, news and updates from the school are shared, 委员会计划他们的项目和活动,并就主题和关注的问题进行对话. The councils exist to serve the members therein, 因此,对话和项目将由参与者来塑造.
多元文化家长委员会参加各种各样的活动和演讲, which can include:
- New Family Welcome Gathering
- Heritage library displays
- Native American Fall Feast and Gathering with families and advisers
- Cultural presentations and event celebrations
- Holiday gatherings
- Community Day booths
- Supporting the Multicultural Summer Honors Program
- Senior honoring end-of-year celebrations
- Book clubs
- 和更多的……
家庭将收到参加理事会活动的邀请,并从多元化主任那里获得更详细的信息, 文化, and belonging or the council chairs via email. If you have questions about the Multicultural Parent Councils, please contact the director of Diversity, Culture, and 归属感.
我们的总体目标是确保LGBTQIA+人群能够在国外正规买球app官方版下载社区茁壮成长. 第一个, 我们认识到,决定学生的性别和/或性身份的责任完全取决于学生. 积极听取学生和学院LGBTQIA+社区其他成员的意见是我们的出发点. 其次,我们希望对LGBTQIA+身份和性别包容性语言进行自我教育. 第三, 我们计划推广更多的肯定空间,并与社区内的其他人合作,营造一个庆祝多样性的社区. 最后, 我们认识到,学院的LGBTQIA+社区成员还有其他被边缘化的身份,这些身份给我们的社区发展带来了障碍. 我们的目标是在解决我们社区的公平和包容问题时,要注意我们的多重身份. As allies, 朋友, and parents of LGBTQIA+ Academy, 我们致力于学院所有学生的学术和社会情感发展.
Helpful Resources
- The Trevor Project 是一个专注于LGBTQIA+青年危机干预的全国性组织. They also provide trainings for professionals who work with youth.
- Trevor Project – Coming Out: A Handbook for LGBTQ Young People
- Pronouns – Why do they matter?